E.C Denton Stores

My late grandmother was a notorious packrat, but I’m glad she saved this envelope from 1930, as it ties two sides of my family together.
The envelope is from the E.C. Denton Stores, owned by my paternal great-grandfather, and is addressed to my maternal great-grandmother, Mary Vail Collier. Prior to establishing the Tailored Woman in New York, my great-grandfather’s brother, Eugene K. Denton, worked for the Denton stores in Cincinnati.
The envelope, which presumably contained a bill that through some unfathomable logic wasn't saved, was forwarded to Orlando, Florida care of Mrs. John D. Vail, my great-great-grandmother. As for the other writing, which reads "Steele & Haley, back of Trinity Church," I think this refers to the venerable Haley & Steele art gallery in Boston. My great-grandmother presumably reached for the nearest piece of paper to jot down a note.
At any rate, though it's at times a burden to sift through the piles and piles of random paper accumulated by my ancestors, it's great fun to find a little gem such as this.
thanks so much for your time,
The Tailored Woman had a large fur department at the main store, and then Eugene Denton opened a smaller store devoted to furs around 1969, after the original store closed. I have also bought some things on auction sites and think you are correct that the store sold all kinds of fur, not just mink.
Enjoy your stole! Thanks for posting.
Thanks for visiting the blog and leaving your comment, as well as emailing me photos. Your fur is beautiful! Let me know if there is any other information I can give you about the store.
Mint condition, I paid $125 for it. cindysymmonds@gmail.com
I worked for The Tailored Woman during the summer of 1961 when I was 16 years old. Mr. Denton, a distinguished white haired old gentleman had a rule, you could not wear thonged shoes. I did not know the tall blond Norwegian looking girl who addressed envelopes as I did, and usually modeled fur coats, would be out that day. I was summoned to his office in her place to model the furs for a buyer. On my feet were the open toed flat shoes, which made my 5'5" look even shorter. I don't remember if I got reprimanded, but I do remember feeling short as I spun around showing off this exquisite coat The whole day I anticipated being fired. I think he might have told someone that I needed to obey the dress code.
After the summer ended, I found out that the police raided the lockers. Jimmy, the elevator operator, had a gun in his locker. I think he killed someone. I could not believe that all summer long I rode up and down in the elevator with him.
Despite all this, I look back fondly at the short time I spent in this austere place. It was one of the first real jobs I had and somewhat intimidating for a little girl from Brooklyn.
David Lawrence
I'm so glad David found the website and it's wonderful to hear from both of you. My father says hello as well.
Look forward to staying in touch. David has my personal email address if you would like to commmunicate that way.
Happy New Year!